Letter to the President of the Regional State of Sicily, On. Raffaele Lombardo

Subject: May 15th 2009 Official day of Autonomy

Dear President,

As you know, on the 15th of May 2009, it will be the 63rd anniversary of the Special Autonomy Statute conquered by the citizens of Sicily, integral part, even though not fully applied, of the Italian Republic Constitution, as a real federative agreement and very important milestone for its high moral value, for the Sicilian citizens and its own government.

Our association has always worked in order to give value to such anniversary (www.anniversariostatutosiciliano.org), once civil semi holiday and today unfortunately either forgotten or celebrated only in closed theatres and therefore not open to the popular participation it would deserve.

This association has already given birth to 2 “Autonomy Day” respectively in 2005 in Mazara del Vallo and in 2006 in Bruxelles counting on the numerous Sicilian community living here.

Having this year already launched a similar initiative in different communes in the Island and having already reached several top line agreements, we inform you that this year the recurrence will be honoured with an increased interest towards Sicily and its institutions from the various local administrations; these ones will surely require the support of the institution which more than anyone else has the right to remember such event, the Region of Sicily in fact ( in our opinion, the”Regional State of Sicily”).

In addition to the high civic value that such events represent, they could also be the occasion to increase the awareness in Sicily, in Italy and abroad about the vital closeness to its identity of the citizens of Sicily, and the pride and willingness to overcome old and new oppressions.

With this letter we intend to receive the potential availability, therefore not binding, of your administration to support such initiatives and to stimulate further similar ones, in cooperation with regional competent authorities local authorities in reference to culture and emigration.

The general idea is always the same, to organize in adequate spaces a two days celebration with exposition of typical Sicilian products, round tables, shows and entertainments even in Sicilian language, with the attendance ofknown Sicilian characters. The development of such initiative would stimulate all over Sicily some kind of grand “Festival”, opportunity to attract people and attention with potential very important returns in terms of image and in terms of economy.

Should the Regional Government be interested, our association would commit to propose a series of executive detailed projects for your approval. In the creation of such projects, the Association, should it be required by your administration, could work closely with representatives of such administration creating a technical table for the organization of the events.

In any case, we look forward to receiving your feedback.
Bruxelles, 7 settembre 2008

Francesco Paolo Catania


L’Altra Sicilia
Associazione di Diritto Internazionale, al servizio della Sicilia e dei Siciliani
Bvd. de Dixmude 40/bte 5 – 1000 Bruxelles
Tel & Fax 0032 2 2174831
Cell: 0032 475 810756

*** Trad. Max Di Domenico